(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
““I love EMDR therapy and feel honored to offer it to clients when applicable. Not only does it allow clients to work through complex issues without feeling undue distress, it also helps them realize and discard limiting and discouraging beliefs and replace them with new ones that are both hopeful and empowering. Getting to watch clients step out of my office feeling like their past is resolved and they are free to pursue the future they’ve always wanted is a true joy!”
- Kathryn Large, LMHC
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a distinct, comprehensive, integrative psychotherapy approach that is compatible with all major therapy orientations.
EMDR has been empirically validated as a well-established and constructive treatment for trauma resolution and facilitates emotional and neurobiological processing and closure. In fact, Mazzola, et al., (2009), found that “patients showed statistically significant symptom improvements (reduced pain severity, quality of life, depression, and anxiety scores)…relative to baseline” after using the EMDR protocol for specific pain crises and related traumatic information and loss.
The EMDR approach defines negative self-cognitions such as “I’m worthless”, “I don’t belong”, and “I’m powerless" as examples of the faulty self-perceptions that define, attract, and skew the perceived human experience and trigger symptomology. In short, the goal of EMDR is to empower a patient to have the freedom to self-actualize by choice.
To date, there have been over 25 randomized controlled treatment outcome studies of EMDR in the treatment of single trauma PTSD with a 77-100% remission rate using three to six sessions. Similar remission outcomes in complex trauma cases typically consist of 12 sessions lasting 50-90 minutes per visit. The current body of research also indicates EMDR efficacy for the treatment of panic disorder, dissociative disorders, somatoform disorders, anxiety disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, addictions, resolution of sexual and physical abuse impact, stress reduction, and relief from disturbing memories.
EMDR, used in combination with or without regular psychotherapy, can be a great advantage to your mental health!
EMDR is most often used to complete your mental health journey and resolve both singular and complex traumatic response, depressive patterns, lingering anxiety, chronic grief response, and negative self-beliefs.
EMDR treatment is structured to protect the patient’s vulnerability and limit the stress of exposure to traumatizing events. EMDR protocol includes a full bio-psycho-social-trauma history, and includes education about the risks and benefits of EMDR therapy.
Your therapist will provide grounding techniques, the development of a targeted treatment plan, bilateral processing, identification of adaptive positive cognitions and available resources, somatic processing, and integration of new positive cognitions into larger systems.
Continued supportive therapy sessions reinforce and establish templates for your future positive cognition integration. Let’s form new patterns together!
Each EMDR session will be 90 minutes long unless otherwise specified by therapists .
90 Minute Sessions $185
60 Minute sessions $135
Sign up for the EMDR Program today!
The EMDR approach defines negative self-cognitions such as “I’m worthless”, “I don’t belong”, and “I’m powerless" as examples of the faulty self-perceptions that trigger symptomology and skew the human experience.
To register use the form below or contact our team at Support@livewellgainsville.com or call 352-900-3130